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Hello World in the RISC-V Development Environment

Deliverables due Wed Aug 28th by 11:59pm in your Lab01 GitHub repo




This lab will get you up to speed in the development environment. You will learn how to do the following:

  • Use git and access GitHub on the BeagleV machines
  • Use a console-based editor to write C code
  • Create a Makefile
  • Install and run the autograder

Program Requirements

You will write a program that takes a single argument, , and prints "Hello, ". For example:

$ ./lab01 World
Hello, World!
$ ./lab01 CS315
Hello, CS315!

For all labs and projects this semester the name of the main executable will be the name of the lab or project. For example, this is Lab01, so the name of the main executable will be lab01.

We will use the Unix make program to compile and link our programs. By default the make command looks for build rules in a file called Makefile. Here is a Makefile you can use for Lab01:

$ cat Makefile
PROG = lab01

OBJS = lab01.o

%.o: %.c
	gcc -c -g -o $@ $<

$(PROG): $(OBJS)
	gcc -g -o $@ $^

	rm -rf $(PROG) $(OBJS)

While this looks a little complicated, this form will be useful when we start to use Assembly Language and build larger programs. The PROG variable determines the name of the final executable. OBJS are individual modules, which could be written in C or in Assembly Language. In this example, we only have one, lab01.o. The rule %.o : %.c Tells make how we want to compile C programs. We use gcc and tell it to include debugging information with -g. The $(PROG) : $(OBJS) rule tells make how to build the main executable. In this case it just uses one file, lab01.o from the OBJS variable. The clean rule allows use to type make clean on the command line to remove any generated files.


To run the Autograder tests for Lab01, make sure you have cloned the tests repo for the class and you have configured the Autograder to point to the location of you tests repo in your home directory. Once you have the autograder installed and configured, you should be able to run the Lab01 tests like this:

$ grade test -p lab01
. 01(50/50) 02(50/50) 100/100

Code Submission

You will submit your code in your Lab01 GitHub repo. You will be provided a link to create your repo. Please only submit your Makefile, lab01.c, and optionally a file. You should not include any binary files such as executables or object files. In general, you should not include any files that will be generated as a result of building your program with make.


100% Lab01 autograder tests.